News and Research
Positive clinical results of the phase 1/2 in Down syndrome
(20/11/2024) Positive results from our phase 1/2 clinical trial with AEFO217 in young adults with Down syndrome.
Great news for our European ICOD project and DS families! Thanks to IMIM and AelisFarma!!! Our next step? Phase 2b clinical trial in 2025!!!
The results of the study were presented by Pier Vincenzo Piazza, CEO of Aelis Farma and Stéphanie Monlezun, COO of Aelis Farma.
Read the news on:
To see the presentation of the results click on the following link:
Down Syndrome and Clinical Trials, Round table with T21RS and Italian DS_TaskForce
(19/10/2024) Thanks to T21RS and the Italian DS_taskForce for the round table together with more than 100 DS families to discuss on recent updates and the most frequent question raised by DS families: "Clinical trials on cognitive deficits in DS?
DS research and innovation discussed in Naples
(18/10/2024) A great occasion to interact with DS families and discuss about the advancements of preclinical and clinical research in the field of DS!!
Meet us in Naples or on Zoom link:
Follow our videos, highlights, or video interviews on Icod Channel on YouTube 🎥📲
Special insights into the 5th International Conference of the Trisomy 21 Research Society (T21Rs)
Below are two links through which you can read special insights into the 5th International Conference of the Trisomy 21 Research Society (T21Rs), which took place in Rome from 5 to 8 June and involved over 500 researchers and doctors from the international scientific community.
In the first link a focus on the important steps forward in science to improve the understanding and treatment of Down syndrome
In this article the direct testimony of some families who actively participated in the work of the 5th International Conference
Follow our videos, highlights, or video interviews on Icod Channel on YouTube 🎥📲
Thanks to the President of our regulatory Agency AIFA
A special Thanks to the President of our regulatory Agency AIFA, Prof. Robert Nisticò for his presence today and his wonderful words for our Down Syndrome World for the opening of the 5thT21RS Conference!
Follow our videos, highlights, or video interviews on Icod Channel on YouTube 🎥📲

Thanks to T21RS
Thanks to T21RS for the opportunity to show the innovative mechanism of action of AEF0217 discovered by AELISFARMA and its high therapeutic potential in the treatment of cognitive deficits in Down syndrome!! Great talk from PierVincenzo Piazza ! A further step for our European ICOD project!! hashtag#ICOD hashtag#DS hashtag#IMIM hashtag#Cognition hashtag#AELISFARMA hashtag#Oasi hashtag#UniCT
Follow our videos, highlights, or video interviews on Icod Channel on YouTube 🎥📲
Thanks to our Italian Minister of Disability
A great Thanks to our Italian Minister of Disability Alessandra Locatelli for her great support Today at our T21RS International Conference in Rome!! hashtag
Follow our videos, highlights, or video interviews on Icod Channel on YouTube 🎥📲
#DS hashtag#MinisterofDisability hashtag#Inclusion hashtag#ICOD hashtag#AlessandraLocatelli hashtag#EugenioBarone hashtag#Autonomy
The 5th International Conference on Down syndrome
The 5th International Conference on Down syndrome, being held in Rome from 5 to 8 June, organised by the T21 Research Society (T21RS), is registering good results in terms of involvement and participation.
The mission of T21RS is to promote basic and applied research on Down syndrome, stimulate translational research and apply new scientific knowledge to improve the quality of life of people with Down syndrome. The meeting in Rome brings together researchers, doctors, industrialists conducting clinical trials, patient organisations and families, with the aim of mapping out together the future directions of research on Down syndrome. For the meeting in Rome, some 500 scientists from over 27 countries are present. For the family event on Friday and Saturday, over 400 families will attend. An unprecedented platform to share knowledge and advances in Down syndrome research.
Programme link:
Site link:
Link for families:
Follow our videos, highlights, or video interviews on Icod Channel on YouTube 🎥📲
Second publication from the @ICOD_Project
Happy to share our second publication from the @ICOD_Project , published in occasion, of the
World Down Syndrome Day, where we demonstrate that low TGF-β1 plasma levels are associated
with cognitive decline in Down syndrome and also suggest that rescue of TGF-β1 might represent a
new strategy to prevent cognitive decline in DS!
Event in Syracuse (Italy)
A wonderful event organized by AIPD, in collaboration with the Italian DS Task Force, in Siracuse
(Italy)! A special event for DS individuals and families from Sicily and a great occasion to discuss
about the advancements of research in this field!!
Thanks to #AIPD #ICODProject #DS #Families #ICODforyou #DSTaskForce #LucioNitsch
Follow our videos, highlights, or video interviews on Icod Channel on YouTube 🎥📲
Charity Auction
We continue to celebrate our Down Syndrome Week with a wonderful Charity Auction organized by Futuro
21 !! Thanks to Our DS artists!! Thanks to #Futuro21 #DSfamilies #Catania
Down Syndrome Day 2024,
On this Down Syndrome Day 2024, we are delighted to work with the researchers and clinicians of
the ICOD consortium and share experience with our colleagues from the GODS21 project !
It has been a whole week of committed work starting with interactions with DS individuals and
families and continuing with a Scientific Consortium meeting to preparate the next steps of the
ICOD project. We are grateful for all the people and energy involved in this Down Syndrome
Thanks to #EuropeanCommission and #MonicaEnsini!!
#ICODProject #DSfamilies #IMIM #EuropeanCommission #MonicaEnsini #AelisFarma #GODS21
Week of Down syndrome
The 16 th of March we started our Week of Down syndrome in a wonderful event organized by
IMIM in Barcelona exclusively for individuals and families from Catalan Down syndrome
associations that included online talks open to all families from the ICOD project locations!!
Scienza incontra Down
The 23rd of March we will continue to celebrate the Week of Down syndrome with “Scienza Incontra Down” an event organized by the Italian Task DS Force to update DS families and associations on the most relevant clinical trials for DS including our european ICOD Project with a talk from Filippo Caraci, coordinator of the Dissemination Activities, directed to DS families.
Join us on Zoom:
Follow our videos, highlights, or video interviews on Icod Channel on YouTube 🎥📲
Week of Down Syndrome
The 16th of March we will start to celebrate the Week of Down syndrome in a wonderful event orga nized by IMIM in Barcelona exclusively for individuals and families from Catalan Down syndrome associations that will include online talks open to all families from the ICOD project locations
Join us on Zoom for the ICOD project session for DS families:
Follow our videos, highlights, or video interviews on Icod Channel on YouTube 🎥📲
Interview Rafael De La Torre
Our Coordinator of the ICOD project Rafael De La Torre and his costant interaction with DS families and associations!! Meeting with Down Catalunya: read the interview!
#Icod #DownCatalunya #Down #Cognition #AEF0217
The coordinator of our ICOD project, Rafael De La Torre, will talk on “Therapeutic opportunities in the treatment of cognitive impairment in Down syndrome” on October Friday 20th (4.45 p.m) at the 7th National Scientific Italian DS Conference
Join us on Zoom
meeting ID: 892 6248 1258 Passcode: 889280
Follow our videos, highlights, or video interviews on Icod Channel on YouTube 🎥📲
7th National Scientific Conference entitled "Down Syndrome: from Research to Therapy."
Dear DS Families and Associations,
on behalf of the Coordinator of the Italian Down Syndrome Task Force Prof. Lucio Nitsch, we are pleased to send you the link to freely access the International Session of the 7th National Scientific Conference entitled "Down Syndrome: from Research to Therapy".
The International Session will be held online, in English, on Friday, October 20, from 2:00 p.m. to
6:00 p.m. CEST. Your participation will be highly appreciated.
Using the same link you are free to also access the second day of the Conference, which will,
however, be held in Italian, on Saturday, October 21.
Zoom link:
meeting ID: 892 6248 1258 Passcode: 889280
The next @t21rs meeting in #Rome
A great occasion for DS families and associations to meet researchers in the DS field and discover novel therapeutic opportunities !!
Call for #symposia for the next @t21rs meeting in #Roma is OPEN! Don’t miss the #opportunity to
share your #research work with the #DownSyndrome community! You will find new opportunities
this year.
ICOD researchers and AELIS FARMA meet DS families in Barcelona (IMIM)_June 7 th 2023
See the video on our ICOD YouTube Channel
A great occasion to meet DS families and associations in Spain and better explain the ICOD project!!
A new ICOD publication
An interesting publication from the @ICOD_Project where the authors critically assess current therapeutic approaches, why therapies fail in clinical trials in Down syndrome, and what could be the path forward!!
Videos lectures symposium 2023
All the Videos Lectures from the Second ICOD Symposium held in Madrid 21 March 2023 are now
available in our Gallery section for DS families and associations
A great occasion of interaction and active discussions with DS families and associations!!
The second ICOD symposium will take place in Madrid in 2023 at Hospital Universitario de la Princesa on the occasion of the World Down syndrome Day (March 21st)
The ICOD project (Improving COgnition in Down syndrome), funded by European Union, aims to improve the cognitive impairment of individuals with Down syndrome with AEF0217, a first-in-class new pharmacological treatment developed by the French biotech Aelis Farma, and specifically designed to this end. The project was launched in February 2021 and a first ICOD symposium was held in Troina, Italy, on the occasion of the World Down syndrome Day 2022 with a strong participation of DS families.
The second ICOD symposium will take place in Madrid in 2023 at Hospital Universitario de la Princesa on the World Down syndrome Day (March 21st). The symposium will be specifically dedicated to increase the knowledge about innovative therapeutic approaches to cognitive deficits in DS and promote the involvement of adults with DS in research. Face-to-face interaction and active discussions between families, associations of individuals with Down syndrome and researchers involved in the ICOD project will be promoted, as well as with other researchers working in the field of Down syndrome.
This event will be designed in close cooperation with the European Down syndrome Association (EDSA) and associations of each participating European country in the ICOD project; in particular with Spanish Down syndrome organizations (Down España, Fundación Down Madrid, Down Catalunya, Fundació Catalana síndrome de Down among others), Federation Trisomie 21 France, Association Française pour la Recherche sur la Trisomie 21, Italian Down syndrome organizations (AIPD and Coordown) and the Italian Task Force for DS.
The 10th of August a relevant article was published in Italy on the famous weekly journal Panorama describing the aims and objectives of the ICOD project and the possible impact on people with Down syndrome in terms of autonomy and social inclusion. The article sparked an interesting debate with DS families on the ICOD Facebook page.
The 21st of September from 6.30 to 8.30 PM, Prof. Filippo Caraci has met in Catania (Auditorium San Luigi Gonzaga) an association of 50 DS families- Futuro 21- (President A. Sciatà)as a follow-up of the ICOD symposium in Troina (21-3-2022) to give further informations and updates to DS families on the ICOD project and the next coming steps such as the NIUS study. The NIUS study will start to evaluate the novel approach for the evaluation of cognitive symptoms adopted in the ICOD project
The NIUS study in the context of the ICOD project: informations for families
ICOD symposium 2022: a wonderful day for all of us !!
DS individuals and DS families have directly interacted with ICOD researchers and all together we have closed the EU symposium !!
The Kickoff meeting of the ICOD project was held on the 19th of February 2021.
The second Scientific Meeting of the ICOD project will was held on the 12th of July 2021.
The first ICOD Communication Board was held on the 9th of March 2021.
The second ICOD Communication Board was held on the 12nd of May 2021.
Dissemination activities: